
Ams Mixbed Ion Exchangers

Product Collections
156,00 €

Ams Mixbed Ion Exchangers (First buy)

There are 2 options to generate osmosis water with Ams Mixbed Ion Exchangers :

  • Connect these barrels with a garden hose connection and generate clean water from 40 l to 400 l per hour without wastewater as is the case with osmosis devices.

  • You can connect the barrel after an osmosis outlet, the barrel will last longer but you have also the lost water to take in count.

If the barrel no longer supplies clean water, you can get an exchange of the barrel, look at exchange prices.

The best way to know if the barrel still produces clean water is to put an Ams Osmo-Ict Professional high precision osmosis conductivity meter at the outlet of the barrel, then you know when to change the barrel.

The best practice is to have 2 barrels in stock, when one is not effective anymore you can change the barrel and exchange the used one with a new one without interrupting the making of super clean osmosis water.

Note: When you want to connect the barrel after an osmosis device you need an osmosis set you can buy one here.